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[4] 天津科技大学轮盘赌
[5] 天津科技大学第十届青年教师教学基本功竞赛优秀奖
[6] 第四届环渤海微生物学术研讨会优秀论文奖
[7] 指导学生获得天津科技大学 “酶好明天”泰达诺维信创新大赛校级三等奖
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[10] 天津市高等学校大学生创新训练计划校级项目2项
[1] 食品质量安全危害因子的检测、生物防控机制研究及产品开发
[2] 基于益生菌、益生元及合生元的功能食品作用机制研究及产品开发
[3] 工业酶制剂的基因资源发掘、功能研究及产品开发
[1] 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项
[2] 主持国家重点研发计划子课题2项
[3] 主持天津市自然科学基金1项
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[5] 主持横向项目2项
[6] 主持农业部饲料生物技术重点实验室开放课题1项
[8] 主持天津科技大学青年教师创新基金1项
[9] 主持天津科技大学新农村发展研究院开放课题基金1项
先后在Bioresource Technology、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Appl Environ Microbiolgy等期刊发表SCI科研论文30余篇;授权发明专利20余项;在第六届全国酶制剂研究开发与应用技术研讨会、中国酶工程学术研讨会等进行主题报告;同时担任International Journal of Biological Macromolecule,Foods等多个期刊的审稿人。
[1] Wang Yan, Sun Junhao, Li Zhongyuan (corresponding author). Detoxification of fumonisins by three novel transaminases with diverse enzymatic characteristics coupled with carboxylesterase. Foods 2023, 12, 416. (JCR2, IF=5.56)
[2]. Zhang Zirui, Zhang Zhengjie, Li Zhongyuan (corresponding author). Simultaneous improvement of final product-yolerance and thermostability of GH39 xylosidase for prebiotic production by directed evolution. Foods 2022, 11, 3039. (JCR2, IF=5.56)
[3] Wei Tian, Juan Yang, Jiahong Dou, Xiumei Li, Xiaofeng Dai, Xiumin Wang, Yahong Sun, Li Zhongyuan (corresponding author) (2022) Interbatch quality control of the extract from Artemisia frigida Willd. by spectrum-effect relationship between HPLC fingerprints and the total antioxidant capacity, International Journal of Food Properties, 25:1, 541-549. (JCR2, IF=2.9)
[4] Yang Juan, Tian Wei, Liu Yuefei, Li Xiumei, Pan Fangfang, Wang Ziying, Li Zhongyuan, Peilong Yang & Xiaofeng Dai (2022) Quality evaluation of the extract of aerial parts from Atractylodes lancea based on fingerprint and chemometrics, International Journal of Food Properties, 25:1, 422-434. (JCR2, IF=2.9)
[5] Pan Kungang, Liu Zhongqi, Zhang Zhengjie, Jin Shanzheng, Yu Zhao, Liu Tianhui, Zhang Tongcun, Li Zhongyuan (corresponding author). Improving the Specific Activity and Thermostability of Psychrophilic Xylosidase AX543 by Comparative Mutagenesis. Foods. 2022, 11, 2463. (JCR2, IF=5.56)
[6] Pan Kungang, Zhang Tongcun, Li Zhongyuan (corresponding author). Crucial Residues of C-Terminal Oligopeptide C60 to Improve the Yield of Prebiotic Xylooligosaccharides by Truncated Mutation. Foods. 2022, 11, 862. (JCR2, IF=5.56)
[7] Liu Quancheng, Li Fuchang, Huang Libo, Chen Wenjie, Li Zhongyuan (corresponding author) and Wang Chunyang. FumDSB can reduce the toxic effects of Fumonisin B1 by regulating several brain-gut peptides in both the hypothalamus and jejunum of growing pigs. Toxins. 2021, 13, 874. (JCR2, IF=5.07)
[8] Li Zhongyuan, Chen Shiheng, Wang Yan, et al. Biological detoxication of fumonisin by a novel carboxylesterase from sphingomonadales bacterium and its biochemical characterization. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 169, 18–27. (Top journal, JCR1, IF=8.02)
[9] Li Zhongyuan, Chen Shiheng, Wang Yan, et al. Biochemical characterization of a novel halo/organic-solvents/final-products tolerant GH39 xylosidase from saline soil and its synergic action with xylanase. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020, 64, 84-192. (Top journal, JCR1, IF=8.02)
[10] Li Zhongyuan, Li Xiumei, Liu Tianhui, et al. The critical roles of exposed surface residues for the thermostability and halotolerance of a novel GH11 xylanase fromthemetagenomic library of a saline-alkaline soil. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019 (133) 316–323. (JCR2, IF=8.02)
[11] Li Zhongyuan, Feng Cuixia, Luo Xuegang, et al. Revealing the Influence of Microbiota on the Quality of Pu-erh tea during Fermentation Process by Shotgun Metagenomic and Metabolomic Analysis. Food Microbiology. 2018(78): 405-415 (Top journal, JCR1, IF 4.09)
[12] Wang Hui, Li Zhongyuan (Corresponding authors), Liu Huihui, et al. Heterologous expression and characterization of a novel GH11 xylanase with excellent tolerance to alkali, aalt and ethanol from saline-alkali soil in Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification. 2017, Nov,139:71-77. (IF 1.34)
[13] Wang cuiqiong, Li Zhongyuan (Corresponding authors), Wang Hui, et al. Rapid biodegradation of aflatoxin B1 by metabolites of Fusarium sp. WCQ3361 with broad working temperature range and excellent thermostability. J Sci Food Agric. 2017, Mar,97(4):1342-1348. (JCR 2, IF 2.46)
[14] Qiu Haiyan, Li Zhongyuan (Corresponding authors), Wang Hui, et al. Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of A Novel Cold Active and Metal ion-tolerant GH10 Xylanase from Frozen Soil. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 2017, 31(5)955-963. (IF 1.23)
[15] 张明慧,李中媛,仇海燕,王翠琼,王惠,张同存。低温木糖苷 / 阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶 AX543 的基因克隆及性质研究。生物技术通报,2016, 32 ( 11 ) :215-223
[16] Li Zhongyuan, Huang Huoqing, Zhao Heng, et al. Genetic diversity and expression profiles of cysteine phytases in the sheep rumen during a feeding cycle. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2014, 59(6):615–20. (JCR3, IF1.65)
[17 Li Zhongyuan, Xue Xianli, Zhao Heng, et al. A C-Terminal Proline-Rich Sequence Simultaneously Broadens the Optimal Temperature and pH Ranges and Improves the Catalytic Efficiency of Glycosyl Hydrolase Family 10 Ruminal Xylanases. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2014, 80(11): 3426–3432. (Top, JCR2, IF 3.95)
[18] Li Zhongyuan, Zhao Heng, Yang Peilong, et al. Comparative quantitative analysis of gene expression profiles of glycoside hydrolyses family 10 xylanase in the sheep rumen during a feeding cycle. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2013, 79(4):1212–1220. (Top, JCR2, IF 3.95)
[19] Li Zhongyuan, Huang Huoqing, Yang Peilong, et al. The tandemly repeated domains of a β-propeller phytase act synergistically to increase catalytic efficiency. FEBS Journal. 2011,278(17):3032–3040. (JCR2, IF3.90)
[20] Fu Dawei, Li Zhongyuan (Co-first author), Huang Huoqing, et al. Catalytic efficiency of HAP phytases is determined by a key residue in close proximity to the active site. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011, 90(4):1295–1302. (Top, JCR2, IF 3.42)
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