[1] 获校级“2022-2023年度在学校教育教学方面做出突出贡献奖;
[2] 荣获第十七届“挑战杯”市级“优秀指导教师”
[3] 第十七届“挑战杯”中共银行天津市大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 全国一等奖;
[4] 2023年全国高校商业精英挑战赛 全国一等奖;
[5] 八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 全国铜奖;
[6] 2022全国大学生生命科学竞赛 全国三等奖;
[7] 第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 市银奖(2项)
[8] 第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 市金、银奖(各1项)
[9] 第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 市银奖(2项)、市铜(1项)
[10] 2022青年“生态创想·绿色行动”环保大赛 市一等奖
[11] 2021年度“中饮协-康师傅杯”天津市大学生饮料创新大赛 市三等奖
[1] 微生物表达系统基因工程遗传改造;
[2] 细胞代谢高附加值有机酸(L-苹果酸、琥珀酸及酮戊二酸等)黑曲霉底盘菌株的开发;
[3] 功能性酶(糖化酶、纤维素酶等)丝状真菌表达系统的构建。
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31902193,里氏木霉中调控Caldicellulosiruptor bescii双功能木聚糖酶/纤维素酶CbXyn10C高效表达的关键分子的筛选与鉴定,2020/01-2022/12 主持
[2] 企业横向项目:黑曲霉发酵生产苹果酸研究,2021/06-至今 主持
[3] 天津市科技计划项目:基于多组学的阿维菌素高产新机制的研究,2021/01-2023/03 第二参与者
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31672458,多结构域双功能纤维素酶/木聚糖酶CbXyn10C/Cel48B底物特异性的分子机制研究,2017/01-2020/12 第二参与者
[5] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31400067,多基因协同调控里氏木霉高效分泌表达蛋白的研究,2015/01-2017/12 第二参与者
[1] Xuemei Zhang, Rui Guo, Futi Bi, Yue Chen a, Xianli Xue*, Depei Wang. Overexpression of kojR and the entire koj gene cluster affect the kojic acid synthesis in Aspergillus oryzae 3.042[J]. Gene, 2024, 892 (147852).
[2] Liu Shutong, Shi Bingbing, Tan Yiyang, Li Chengwei, Wei Caixia, Wang Depei, Xue Xianli. Mutagenesis screening of a producing L-malic acid Aspergillus niger strain and optimization of fermentation medium[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry[J], 2023, doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060014
[3] WANG Yichuan, ZHANG Xiangxiang, WANG Jingran, WANG Depei, XUE Xianli. Effects of Spt7 knockout on growth and morphology of Aspergillus niger[J]. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 2023, 63(2): 855-867.
[4] XUE Xianli, LIU Zimu, LI Na, et al. Screening and application of efficient degradation microorganisms for high-salt and high-oil kitchen waste[J].Food and Fermentation Industries, 2023, 49( 7) :73-79.
[5] XUE Xian-li, WANG Jing-ran, BI Hang-hang, WANG De-pei. Effect of Spt7 Overexpression of on the Growth and Stress Resistance of Aspergillus niger[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(5):112-122.
[6] SHI Ya-nan, WANG De-pei, WANG Yi-chuan, ZHOU Hao, XUE Xian-li. Effects of msn2 Knock-out on the Growth and Kojic Acid Production of Aspergillus oryzae[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(9):93-102.
[7] Xianli Xue, Futi Bi, Boya Liu, Jie Li, Lan Zhang, Jian Zhang, Qiang Gao, Depei Wang. Improving citric acid production of an industrial Aspergillus niger CGMCC 10142: identifcation and overexpression of a high-afnity glucose transporter with diferent promoters[J]. Microb Cell Fact, 2021, 20:168.
[8] Xianli Xue, Boya Liu, Zijun Gao, Wangdepei. Research status and development of global transcriptional regulators in filamentous fungi[J]. Food Research and Development. 2020, 21: 199-207.
[9] Xianli Xue, Yilan Wu, Xing Qin, Rui Ma, Huiying Luo, Xiaoyun Su, Bin Yao. Revisiting Overexpression of a Heterologous β-glucosidase in Trichoderma reesei: Fusion Expression of the Neosartorya fischeri Bgl3A to cbh1 Enhances the Overall as well as Individual Cellulase Activities, Microbial Cell Factories, 2016, 15: 122.
[10] Xianli Xue, Rong Wang, Tao Tu, Pengjun Shi, Rui Ma, Huiying Luo, Bin Yao, Xiaoyun Su, The N-Terminal GH10 Domain of a Multimodular Protein from Caldicellulosiruptor bescii Is a Versatile Xylanase/β-Glucanase That Can Degrade Crystalline Cellulose, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2015, 81(11): 3823-3833.
[11] Xianli Xue, Liwen Wang, Yeyu Chen, Xinshang Zhang, Huiying Luo, Zhongyuan Li, Heng Zhao*, Bin Yao*, Identification and Molecular Characterization of an Akirin2 Homolog in Chinese Loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus), Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2014, 36(2): 435-443.
[12] Zhongyuan Li#, Xianli Xue#, Heng Zhao*, A C-Terminal Proline-Rich Sequence Simultaneously Broadens the Optimal Temperature and pH Ranges and Improves the Catalytic Efficiency of Glycosyl Hydrolase Family 10 Ruminal Xylanases, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2014, 80(11): 3426-3432.
[1] 薛鲜丽;王德培;王静然;毕杭杭;一株过表达Spt7基因的黑曲霉工程菌株与应用,ZL202110310595.0
[2] 薛鲜丽;王德培;王静然;毕杭杭;一株异源表达木聚糖酶/纤维素酶CbXyn10c基因的里氏木霉菌株及应用,ZL202111195832.X
[3] 姚斌;苏小运;薛鲜丽;罗会颖等,一种提高里氏木霉纤维素酶酶活的方法,ZL201510795507.5
[4] 苏小运;姚斌;薛鲜丽;石鹏君等,对纤维素底物特异性提高的突变双功能木聚糖酶/纤维素酶及其编码基因和应用,ZL201510054287.0
[5] 姚斌;苏小运;薛鲜丽;罗会颖等,一种获得高活力的里氏木霉融合纤维素酶的方法及重组菌株,ZL201510895568.9
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