[2]参编普通高等教育“十三五规划”教材,植物学, ISBN:9787030616289,2019年8月
[1] 国家自然科学基金项目:CRK41调控微管骨架动态参与响应盐胁迫的作用机制, 3190020293,2020.01-2022.12,主持
[2]国家重点实验室开放基金:根际促生菌Bacillus subtilis NSA18调控H2Bub1响应盐胁迫的作用机制,SKLPPBKF2201, 2022.09-2024.08,主持
[3] 国家重点研发计划子课题,人非细胞生物合成途径设计及超稳人工多酶体系组装,2018YFA0901702,2019.06-2024.06,参与
[4] 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,组蛋白 H2B 单泛素化调控微管骨架在信号网络核心的时空信号功能及响应盐胁迫的作用机制,31670252,2017.01-2020.12,参与
[5] 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,组蛋白 H2B 单泛素化参与 Vd-toxins 胁迫应答及调控细胞微管骨架动态的作用机制,31370292,2014.01.01-2017.12.01,参与
[1] Sa Zhou, Jiamin Xue, Jingbo Shan, Yingxiang Hong, Wenkang Zhu, Zhiyan Nie, Nanxi Ji, Xuegang Luo, Tongcun Zhang, and Wenjian Ma*. Gut-Flora-Dependent Metabolite Trimethylamine-N-Oxide Promotes Atherosclerosis-Associated Inflammation Responses by Indirect ROS Stimulation and Signaling Involving AMPK and SIRT1. 2022, Nutrients 14(16).
[2] Yujie Zhang, Chunyang Ding, Wenkang Zhu, Xinyu Li, Techang Chen, Qingxi Liu, Sa Zhou*, TongCun Zhang*, and Wenjian Ma*. Chemotherapeutic drugs induce oxidative stress associated with DNA repair and metabolism modulation. Life Sciences, 2022, 289:120242.
[3] Sa Zhou, Luo Qiuling, Zhiyan Nie, Changhui Wang, Wenkang Zhu, Yingxiang Hong, Jun Zhao, Baolei Pei, and Wenjian Ma. CRK41 Modulates Microtubule Depolymerization in Response to Salt Stress in Arabidopsis. Plants-Basel, 2023, 12(6):1285.
[4] Sa Zhou, Yupeng Liu, Lijun Jin, Peiyan Guo, Qingxi Liu, Jingbo Shan, Xuegang Luo, Hongpeng He, Wenjian Ma, and TongCun Zhang. Estrogen enhances the cytotoxicity of PARP inhibitors on breast cancer cells through stimulating nitric oxide production. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2021,209:105853.
[5] Sa Zhou, Yuqiao Cai, Xinyi Liu, Lijun Jin, Xiaoqin Wang, Wenjian Ma, and Tongcun Zhang. Role of H2B mono-ubiquitination in the initiation and progression of cancer. Bulletin du Cancer, 2021, 108(4):385-398.
[6] Sa Zhou, Qiuhong Chen, Yuhui Sun, Yingzhang Li. Histone H2B monoubiquitination regulates salt stress-induced microtubule depolymerization in Arabidopsis., Plant, Cell and Environment, 2017, 40: 1512-1530
[7] Sa Zhou, Qiuhong Chen; Xinyue Li; Yingzhang Li ; MAP65-1 is required for the depolymerization and reorganization of cortical, Plant Science, 2017, 254: 112-121
[8] 周飒,单静博,薛佳敏,汪云阳,马文建*. 三甲胺与甲萘醌联用对VSMCs增殖及HUVECs内胆固醇含量的影响. 沈阳药科大学学报,2022,39(1):60-67
[9] Rui Zhang, Qingxi Liu, Sa Zhou, Hongpeng He, Mingfeng Zhao* and Wenjian Ma*, Engineering CAR-NK cells targeting CD33 with concomitant extracellular secretion of anti-CD16 antibody revealed superior antitumor effects toward myeloid leukemia, Cancer Letter 558 (2023): 216103.
[10] Rui Zhang, Qingxi Liu, Sa Zhou, Hongpeng He, Mingfeng Zhao* and Wenjian Ma*. Mesenchymal stem cell suppresses the efficacy of CAR-T toward killing lymphoma cells by modulating the microenvironment through stanniocalcin-1, Elife, 2023, 12.
[11] Jun Zhao, Qiuhong Chen, Sa Zhou, Yuhui Sun, Xinyue Li, Yingzhang Li. H2Bub1 regulates RbohD-dependent H2O2 signal pathway in the defense responses to Verticillium dahliae toxins, Plant Physiology, 2019, 182: 640-657
[1] 周飒,张宇洁,马文建等,一种通过 TMAO 研究肠道代谢失衡诱导 AD 的细胞模型,ZL202011070788.5
[2] 周飒,马文建等,毕赤酵母定点 DSB 系统及应用,ZL202011102551.0
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