教研室副主任,党支部书记。Nano Transmed杂志青年编委,中国微纳米技术学会会员,天津市“131”人才计划第三层次人选。
[1] 应答响应型药物递送系统
[2] 新型生物材料的研究
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:具有低皮肤光毒性的声动力学抗癌纳米递送系统(22105145),2022-2024;主持。
[2] 天津市自然科学基金项目:声动力学抗癌纳米载体降低皮肤光毒性的机制及应用研究(23JCQNJC01100),2023-2025;主持。
[1] Luo J, Shang Y, Zhao N, Wang Z, Li X, Meng X, and Zhao Y. Hypoxia-responsive micelles deprive cofactor of stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 and sensitize ferroptotic ovarian cancer therapy. Biomaterials, 2025, 314: 122820.(通讯作者,1区Top,IF: 12.8)
[2] Meng X, Zhao N, Zhao D, Zhao H, Man S, Dai Y, and Zhao Y. Mitigating the skin phototoxicity of SDT via singlet oxygen-consuming metal-organic frameworks. Journal of Controlled Release, 2024, 376: 303-317.(第一作者,1区Top,IF: 10.5)
[3] Meng X, Shen Y, Zhao H, Lu X, Wang Z, and Zhao Y. Redox-manipulating nanocarriers for anticancer drug delivery: a systematic review. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2024, 22: 587. (第一作者,1区Top,IF: 10.6)
[4] Shen Y, Wang L, Lu X, Dai Y, and Meng X. Stimulus-responsive nanomedicine mediated by metabolic intervention mechanisms to amplify redox anticancer therapy. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024, 486:150130. (通讯作者,1区Top,IF: 13.3)
[5] Meng X, Wang L, Zhao N, Zhao D, Shen Y, Yao Y, Jing W, Man S, Dai Y, and Zhao Y. Stimuli-responsive cancer nanomedicines inhibit glycolysis and impair redox homeostasis. Acta Biomaterialia, 2023, 167: 374-386.(第一作者,1区Top,IF: 9.4)
[6] Meng X, Liu H, Zhao N, Yang Y, Zhao K, and Dai Y. Molecular Dynamics Study of the Effect of Charge and Glycosyl on Superoxide Anion Distribution near Lipid Membrane. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24,10926.(第一作者,2区Top,IF: 5.6)
[7] Lan X, Dai Y, Jing W, Meng X*, Liu F, Wang S, He A, and Li N. DFT investigation on the carbonate radical formation in the system containing carbon dioxide and hydroxyl free radical. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2022, 114, 108182. (通讯作者)
[8] Meng X, Deng J, Liu F, Guo T, Liu M, Dai P, Fan A, Wang Z, and Zhao Y. Triggered all-active metal organic framework: Ferroptosis machinery contributes to the apoptotic photodynamic antitumor therapy. Nano Letters, 2019, 19(11): 7866-7876. 3.(第一作者,1区Top,IF: 12.279)(Web of Science高被引论文,被引261次)
[9] Meng X, Gao M, Deng J, Lu D, Fan A, Ding D, Kong D, Wang Z, and Zhao Y. Self-immolative micellar drug delivery: The linker matters. Nano Research, 2018, 11(12): 6177-6189. (第一作者,1区Top,IF: 9.5)
[10] Gao M#, Meng X#, Guo X, Zhu J, Fan A, Wang Z, and Zhao Y. All-active antitumor micelles via triggered lipid peroxidation. Journal of Controlled Release, 2018, 286: 381-393. (共同第一作者,1区Top,IF: 10.5)
[11] Li J#, Meng X#, Deng J, Lu D, Zhang X, Chen Y, Zhu J, Fan A, Ding D, Kong D, Wang Z, and Zhao Y. Multifunctional micelles dually responsive to hypoxia and singlet oxygen: enhanced photodynamic therapy via interactively triggered photosensitizer delivery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(20): 17117-17128. (共同第一作者,1区Top,IF: 8.3)
[1] 2024年指导研究生获得国家奖学金;
[2] 2024年指导本科生获得天津市大学生节能减排社会实践竞赛,天津市三等奖;
[3] 2021-2024年指导本科生获得全国大学生生命科学竞赛,天津市三等奖。
[4] 2023年指导本科生获得大学生创新创业训练计划项目,市级立项。
传 真:022-60602298