刁爱坡,博士,教授,硕士生和博士生导师。2001年获英国The University of Hertfordshire 博士学位,2001-2008年英国曼彻斯特大学生命科学轮盘赌
[1] 寻找新型药物靶点,筛选具有抗肿瘤、炎症、衰老药物与分子药理学研究
[2] 利用微生物发酵和细胞培养技术表达和制备基因工程蛋白质药物
[1] Li Y, Wang J, Song N, Zeng F, Zhao M, Wang A, Chen Y, Jing L, Yu P, Diao A*. 2-(2-nitrobenzylidene) indolin-3-one compound inhibits transmembrane prostate androgen-induced protein (TMEPAI) expression and cancer cell proliferation. Cell Prolif. 2018, 51(5):e12469.
[2] Tian Zhao, Zhipeng Li, Zhouliang Guo, Ali Wang, Zhenxing Liu, Qing Zhao, Yuyin Li, Edward A. McKenzie, Aipo Diao*. Functional recombinant human Legumain protein expression in Pichia pastoris to enable screening for Legumain small molecule inhibitors. Protein Expression and Purification. 2018, 150: 12-16.
[3] Yuyin Li , Guojun Pan , Yue Chen, Qian Yang, Tiantian Hao, Lianbo Zhao, Long Zhao, Yusheng Cong, Aipo Diao*, Peng Yu*. Inhibitor of the human telomerase reverse trancriptase (hTERT) gene promoter induces cell apoptosis via a mitochondrial-dependent pathway. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2017 145: 370-378
[4] Liu Z, Huo X, Zhao S, Yang J, Shi W, Jing L, Li W, Li Y, Ma L, Gao Y, Diao A*. Low density lipoprotein receptor class A domain containing 4 (LDLRAD4) promotes tumorigenesis of hepatic cancer cells. Exp Cell Res. 2017 6: 30475-5.
[5] Shenheng Luo, Lei Jing, Tian Zhao, Yuyin Li, Zhenxing Liu, Aipo Diao*. Ubiquitination and dynactin regulate TMEPAI lysosomal trafficking. Sci Rep. 2017 7: 42668.
[6] Yuyin Li, Ailong Guo, Jianjun Wang, Yali Yan, Lei Jing, Shenheng Luo, Xing Niu, Lifang Jing, Bo Jiang, Meng Yang, Zhenxing Liu, Long Ma, Aipo Diao*. Sp1 transcription factors promote TMEPAI gene expression and contribute to tumorigenesis. Cell Proliferation 2016 49(6):710-719.
[7] Yuyin Li, Yuejun Sun, Lifang Jing, Jianjun Wang, Yali Yan, Yajuan Feng, Yueying Zhang, Zhenxing Liu, Long Ma, Aipo Diao*. Lysosome inhibitors enhance the chemotherapeutic activity of doxorubicin in HepG2 cells. Chemotherapy 2016 62(2):85-93.
[8] Luo S1, Yang M1, Lv D1, Jing L1, Li Y1, Liu Z1, Diao A*. TMEPAI increases lysosome stability and promotes autophagy. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2016 76: 98-106.
[9] Yuyin Li, Li Zhang, Jie Zhou, Shenheng Luo, Rui Huang, Changcai Zhao and Aipo Diao*. Nedd4 E3 ubiquitin ligase promotes cell proliferation and autophagy. Cell Proliferation 2015 48(3): 338-347.
[10] Jianli Dang, Lei Jing, Weiwei Shi, Ping Qin, Yuyin Li, Aipo Diao*. Expression and purification of active recombinant human bone morphogenetic 7-2 dimer fusion protein. Protein Expression and Purification 2015 115: 61-68.
[11] Xilong Bai, Lei Jing, Yinchuan Li, Yuyin Li, Shenheng Luo, Shasha Wang, Jie Zhou, Zhe Liu, Aipo Diao*. TMEPAI inhibits TGF-β signaling by promoting lysosome degradation of TGF-β receptor and contributes to lung cancer development. Cellular Signalling 2014 26: 2030-2039.
[12] Kou Kunyuan, Dang Jianli, Zhang Baoxia, Wu Guanrong, Li Yuyin, Diao Aipo*. Establishment of a method to measure the interaction between Nedd4 and UbCH5c for drug screening. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Applied Biotechnology.
[13] Aipo Diao, Laura Frost, Yuichi Morohashi and Martin Lowe. Coordination of golgin tethering and SNARE assembly: GM130 binds syntaxin 5 in a p115-regulated manner. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008 283(11):6957-67.
[14] Chi-Fang Chiu, Yashoda Ghanekar, Laura Frost, Aipo Diao, Daniel Morrison, Edward McKenzie and Martin Lowe. ZFPL1, a novel ring finger protein required for cis-Golgi integrity and efficient ER to Golgi transport. EMBO Journal 2008 27(7):934-47.
[15] Noora Hyvola, Aipo Diao, Eddie Mckenzie, Alison Skippen, Shamshad Cockcroft and Martin Lowe. Membrane targeting and activation of the Lowe syndrome protein OCRL1 by rab1 GTPases. EMBO Journal 2006 25(16):3750-61.
[16] Choudhury, R., Diao, A., Zhang, F., Eisenberg, E., Saint-Pol, A., Williams, C., Konstantakopoulos, A., Lucocq, J., Johannes, L., Rabouille, C., Greene, L. and Lowe, M. Lowe syndrome protein OCRL1 interacts with clathrin and regulates protein trafficking between endosomes and the trans-Golgi network. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2008 16 (8):3467-79.
[17] Diao, A. and Lowe, M. The Golgi goes fission. Science 2004 305, 48-49.
[18] Diao, A., Rahman, D., Pappin, D.J.C., Lucocq, J. and Lowe, M. The coiled-coil membrane protein golgin-84 is a novel rab effector required for Golgi ribbon formation. Journal of Cell Biology 2003 160, 201-212.
[1] 刁爱坡,李玉银,郁彭,宋宁,王啊丽。一种吲哚酮类化合物的新用途。2018101008225
[2] 刁爱坡,李玉银,郁彭,赵苗苗,陈月,李丙旭。一种苯甲酸酯类化合物及其制备方法与应用。2017113456980
[3] 刁爱坡,李玉银,郁彭,刘阳,李志鹏。一种吲哚酮类化合物及其制备方法与应用。2017114061733
, 300457
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