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[2] 《白酒生产技术》,参编,化学工业出版社,2023
[3] 《工业微生物分子生物学实验原理与技术》,参编,中国轻工业出版社,2022
[1] 酶与生物催化:工业酶基因资源挖掘、高效表达、催化机制与理性设计
[2] 酿造微生物资源挖掘与应用
[3] 生物质资源高效降解与综合利用
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:类芽孢杆菌多糖单加氧酶构效关系及其催化生物质多糖降解机制研究,2023-2026,项目负责人
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黑曲霉辅助蛋白AnLPMO9强化木质纤维素降解的分子机制,2018-2021,项目负责人
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:木质纤维素玉米芯诱导合成纤维素酶的机理研究,2012-2014,项目负责人
[4] 国家重点研发计划项目:基于智能设计与过程仿生的木质素定向解聚关键技术及高值化产品合成,2023-2028,子课题负责人
[5] 天津市科技计划项目:高温大曲人工菌群可控发酵关键技术开发与产业化应用研究,2022-2025,项目负责人
[6] 天津市自然科学基金重点项目:里氏木霉溶胀蛋白SWOI的结构域功能及其作用机制研究,2016-2019,项目负责人
[7] 天津市自然科学基金青年项目:里氏木霉纤维素酶生产的过程动力学研究,2012-2015,项目负责人
[8] 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目:宁夏葡萄酒安全生产控制关键技术研究与体系建立,2020-2022,课题负责人
[9] 天津市科技特派员项目:果蔬发酵微生物菌群研究,2016-2017,项目负责人
[10] 横向课题:饲用益生微生物的选育及混菌发酵饲料工艺开发,项目负责人
[11] 横向课题:“裕后泉”品牌黄河水藏白酒中主要成分分析,项目负责人
[12] 横向课题:真菌酯化酶对浓香型白酒中酯类物质合成及其风味特征的影响机制研究,项目负责人
[1] Lijuan Ma, Yangyang Sun, Xuejiao Wang, Heyun Zhang, Linqi Zhang, Yage Yin, Yumeng Wu, Liping Du*, Ziping Du. The characteristic of the key aroma-active components in White tea using GC-TOF/MS and GC-O combined with sensory-directed flavor analysis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2023, 103(14):7136-7152.
[2] Manman Gao, Jiangnan Hu, Xuejiao Wang, Heyun Zhang, Ziping Du, Lijuan Ma*, Liping Du*, Huiling Zhang, Xiaoju Tian, Weiming Yang. Effects of Pichia kluyveri on the flavor characteristics of wine by co-fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. European Food Research and Technology, 2023, 249: 1449-1460
[3] Lijuan Ma, Yuxi Peng, Liping Du*, Linqi Zhang, Wenzhe Tong, Yanru Weng, Dongguang Xiao, Huiling Zhang, Jihong Huang. Effect of main taste compounds on the release of methoxyphenolic compounds in Pu-erh tea. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2022, 160: 113292
[4] Lijuan Ma, Manman Gao, Linqi Zhang, Yang Qiao, Jianxun Li, Liping Du*, Huiling Zhang*, Hong Wang. Characterization of the key aroma-active compounds in high-grade Dianhong tea using GC-MS and GC-O combined with sensory-directed flavor analysis. Food Chemistry, 2022, 378: 132058-132067
[5] Liping Du, Xinyu Cui, Hongxuan Li, Yaqi Wang, Linlin Fan, Ronglin He, Fengchao Jiang, Aiqun Yu, Dongguang Xiao, Lijuan Ma*. Enhancing the enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency of lignocellulose assisted by artificial fusion enzyme of swollenin-xylanase. Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 173: 114106-114114.
[6] Lijuan Ma, Manman Gao, Jiangnan Hu, Wenzhe Tong, Liping Du*, Aiqun Yu, Jihong Huang, Jianxun Li, Ronglin He. Characterization of the key active aroma compounds in Pu-erh tea using gas chromatography-time of flight/mass spectrometry-olfactometry combined with five different evaluation methods. European Food Research and Technology, 2021, 248(1): 45-56.
[7] Lijuan Ma, Wenzhe Tong, Liping Du*, Shiyong Huang, Jinyan Wei, Dongguang Xiao. Optimization of an aqueous Two-Phase system for the determination of trace Ethyl Carbamate in red wine. Journal of Food Protection, 2019, 82(8): 1377-1383.
[8] Liping Du, Lijuan Ma*, Qing Ma, Gaojie Guo, Xiaoxia Han, Dongguang Xiao. Hydrolytic boosting of lignocellulosic biomass by a fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase, AnLPMO15g from Aspergillus niger. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 126: 309-315.
[9] Lijuan Ma, Qing Ma, Rui Cai, Zhiyou Zong, Liping Du*, Gaojie Guo, Yingying Zhang, Dongguang Xiao. Effect of β-mannanase domain from Trichoderma reesei on its biochemical characters and synergistic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2018, 98(7):2540-2547.
[10] Lijuan Ma, Qing Ma, Gaojie Guo, Liping Du*, Yingying Zhang, Youzhi Cui, Dongguang Xiao. Optimization of sodium percarbonate pretreatment for improving 2,3-butanediol production from corncob. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2018, 48(3):218-225.
[11] Fengchao Jiang, Lijuan Ma*, Rui Cai, Qing Ma, Gaojie Guo, Liping Du, Dongguang Xiao. Efficient crude multi-enzyme produced by Trichoderma reesei using corncob for hydrolysis of lignocellulose. 3 Biotech, 2017, 7(5): 339
[12] Lijuan Ma, Shiyong Huang, Liping Du*, Ping Tang, Dongguang Xiao. Reduced production of higher alcohols by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in red wine fermentation by simultaneously overexpressing BAT1 and deleting BAT2. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(32): 6936-6942.
[13] Lijuan Ma, Yang Qiao, Liping Du*, Yunfei Li, Shiyong Huang, Fei Liu, Dongguang Xiao. Evaluation and optimization of a superior extraction method for the characterization of the volatile profile of black tea by HS-SPME/GC-MS. Food Analytical Methods, 2017, 10(7): 2481-2489.
[14] Lijuan Ma, Liping Du, Youzhi Cui, Pan Song, Fengchao Jiang, Qing Ma, Dongguang Xiao*. Isolation and structural analysis of hemicellulose from corncobs after a delignification pretreatment. Analytical Methods, 2016, 8(41): 7500-7506.
[15] Lijuan Ma, Youzhi Cui, Rui Cai, Xueqiang Liu, Cuiying Zhang, Dongguang Xiao*. Optimization and evaluation of alkaline potassium permanganate pretreatment of corncob. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 180: 1-6.
[1] 一种裂解性多糖单加氧酶及其应用,ZL202210092989.8
[2] 一种突变蛋白AnLPMO15g-Ep3及其构建方法、表达和应用, ZL202010316701.1
[3] 一种提高木质纤维素水解率的融合蛋白、构建方法、表达及应用, ZL201911074372.8
[4] 一种胞外AA9家族多糖单加氧酶AnLPMO15g及其应用,ZL201810265764.1
[5] 一种提高里氏木霉纤维素酶液体深层发酵水平的方法,ZL201110203924.8
[6] 一种提高纤维素酶对木质纤维素的酶解效率的方法,ZL201310313584.3
[7] 一种从微生物发酵液中提取纤维素酶的方法,ZL201210412975.6
[8] 一种提高纤维素酶生产水平的发酵工艺,ZL201310653126.4
[9] 源于里氏木霉的转录调控因子及编码基因和应用,ZL201210538579.8
[1] 国家留学基金委CSC公派访问学者项目,2019
[2] 液态发酵生产速溶茶粉新技术的研究与开发,中国轻工业联合会科技进步二等奖,2015,排名第二
[3] 天津科技大学第十届青年教师教学基本功竞赛优秀奖,2017
[4] 轮盘赌-轮盘心得-轮盘稳赢法
[5] 天津科技大学师生“一帮一”助学先进个人,2015,2016
[6] 指导本科生参加“挑战杯”、“大创”等各类学科竞赛并获奖
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