天津工业生物技术研究所研究员,博士生导师。2010年获西北农林科技大学资源环境科学专业学士学位,2013年获天津大学生物化工专业硕士学位,2017年获美国爱荷华州立大学生物化学专业博士学位,师从Dr. Dipali Sashital,2017年-2020年在美国哥伦比亚大学从事博士后研究,师从Dr. Eric Greene. 2021年加入中国科轮盘赌
[1] 天津市合成生物学技术创新能力提升行动,2021-2023
先后在Molecular Cell、 Cell Research、PNAS、 Nucleic Acid Research、Trends in Genetics、Cell Reports、Ecosal Plus等国际一流期刊发表科研论文21篇,授权发明专利2项。发表的主要学术论文有:
[1] Adoiph M, Mohamed T, Balakrishnan, Xue C, Modesti M, Greene E C, Chazin W J, Cortez D. RADX controls RAD51 filament dynamics to regulate replication fork stability. Molecular Cell, 2021 (accepted).
[2] Xue C*, Molnarvova L*, Steinfeld J, Zhao W, Ma C, Spirek M, Kaniecki K, Kwon Y, Beláñ O, Boulton S, Sung P, Greene E C, Krejci L. Single-Molecule visualization of human RECQ5 interactions with single-stranded DNA recombination intermediates. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021. (in press). (共同一作)
[3] Meir A*, Kong M*, Xue C, Greene E C. DNA curtains shed Light on Complex Molecular Systems During Homologous Recombination. J. Vis. Exp, e61320, 2020.
[4] Kong M*, Cutts E*, Pan D, Beuron F, Kaliyappan T, Xue C, Morries E, Musacchio A, Vannini A, Greene E C. Human condensing I and II drive extensive ATP-dependent compaction of nucleosome-bound DNA. Molecular Cell. 2020, 79:1-16.
[5] Jia N*, Unciuleac M*, Xue C, Greene E C, Patel D, Shuman S. Structures and single-molecule kinetics analysis of the motor-nuclease AdnAB illuminate the mechanism of DNA double-strand break resection. PNAS. 2019. 116 (49): 24507-24516.
[6] Xue C, Daley J, Xue X, Steinfeld J, Kwon Y, Sung P, Greene E C. Single-Molecule visualization of human BLM helicase as it acts upon double- and single-stranded DNA substrates. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019, 1.1035.
[7] Yan Z*, Xue C*, Kumar S*, Crickard J B, Yu Yang, Wang W, Pham N, Sung P, Greene E C, Ira G. Rad52 regulates resection at DNA double strand break ends. Molecular Cell. 2019, 1:1-13. (共同一作)
[8] Crickard J B, Xue C, Wang W, Kwon Y, Sung P, Greene E C. The RecQ helicase Sgs1 drives ATP-dependent disruption of Rad51 filaments. Nucleic Acids Res, 2019, 47(9): 4694-4706. Impact factor: 11.1. 一区
[9] Xue C, Wang W, Crickard J B, Moevus C J, Kwon Y, Sung P, Greene E C. Regulatory control of Sgs1 and Dna2 during eukaryotic DNA end resection. PNAS, 2019, 116 (23), 6091-6100.
[10] Xue C, Greene E C. New roles for RAD52 in DNA repair. Cell Research, 2018, 28:1127-1128.
[11] Phan PT, Schelling M, Xue C, Sashital D G. Fluorescence-based methods for measuring target interference by CRISPR-Cas systems. Methods Enzymol, 2019, 616, 61-85.
[12] Xue C, Sashital D G. Mechanisms of Type IE and IF CRISPR-Cas Systems in Enterobacteriaceae, EcoSal Plus, 2019, 8(2).
[13] Xue C, Zhu Y, Hawk B, Yin L, Shin Y K, Sashital D G. Real-time observation of target search by the CRISPR surveillance complex Cascade. Cell reports, 2017, 21(13), 3717-3727.
[14] Xue C, Whitis N, Sashital D G. Conformational control of Cascade interference and priming activities in CRISPR immunity. Molecular Cell, 2016, 64(4), 826-834.
[15] Xue C, Seetharam A S, Musharova O, Severinov K, Brouns S J, Severin A J, & Sashital D G. CRISPR interference and priming varies with individual spacer sequences. Nucleic Acids Res, 2015, 43(22): 10831-10847.
[16] Xue C, Duan Y, Zhao F, & Lu W. Stepwise increase of spinosad production in Saccharopolyspora spinosa by metabolic engineering. Biochem Eng J, 2013, 72: 90-95.
[17] Xue C*, Zhang X*, Yu Z, Zhao F, Wang M, & Lu W. Up-regulated spinosad pathway coupling with the increased concentration of acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA contributed to the increase of spinosad in the presence of exogenous fatty acid. Biochem Eng J, 2013, 81: 47-53. (共同一作)
[18] Zhang X, Xue C, Zhao F, Li D, Yin J, Zhang C, Caiyin Q, Lu W. Suitable extracellular oxidoreduction potential inhibit rex regulation and effect central carbon and energy metabolism in S. spinosa. Microb Cell Fact, 2014,13:98.
[19] Zhao F, Xue C, Wang M, Wang X, Lu W. A comparative metabolomics analysis of S. spinosa WT, WH124, and LU104 revealed metabolic mechanisms correlated with increases in spinosad yield. Biosci Biotech Biochem, 2013, 77(8): 1661-1668.
[20] Zhu L, Yang X, Xue C, Chen Y, Qu L, & Lu W. Enhanced rhamnolipids production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa based on a pH stage-controlled fed-batch fermentation process. Bioresour Technol, 2012, 117: 208-213.
[21] Yang X, Zhu L, Xue C, Chen Y, Qu L, & Lu W. Recovery of purified lactonic sophorolipids by spontaneous crystallization during the fermentation of sugarcane molasses with Candida albicans O-13-1. Enzyme Microb Technol, 2012, 51(6): 348-353.
卢文玉、王晓阳、张传波、薛超友. 刺糖多孢菌基因组尺度代谢网络模型及构建方法及应用. 2013107564180
卢文玉、薛超友、张香梅. 能提高多杀菌素产量的基因工程菌及构建方法及应用. 2013107560495
曾获天津市优秀硕士论文、爱荷华州立大学最佳研究奖(为2017所在系唯一获奖者)。2020年入选The Journal of Biological Chemistry 早期审稿委员会。
Email:xuech[email protected]